ib tutor,tutorial-What are Backlinks?

What are Backlinks? By: Carolyn Elizabeth Blake


If you are starting the strategy of article marketing, then you will want to read this article to get a clear answer to the question, What are backlinks? You may know something of the word, and recognize that they are somehow beneficial. Exactly what are backlinks? They are the blue clickable links you see everywhere on the internet which searchers can click which take them to your website. In this article you will see where to put them, how to put them there, and how they can support you.

Where you put these links is at the end of your articles, which you would wisely submit to the top ranking article directories. Most directories accept 2 active hyperlinks in a closing signature, placed separately at the winding up of your article, in the signature box. You write short, informative articles, typically 400 - 600 words, and using automated article submission, you mass submit your article to well-ranked article directories. Below the box where you paste your article into the article directory, there will be a blank where you paste your signature box file.

As an aside, when you publish on high ranking directories, some of that high ranking is associated with your site, so the links you provide at the close of your article bring you highly motivated traffic who already respect your site.

How you put these backlinks into your article is a simple skill of writing a good signature box of 2 sentences. The first one will use anchor text, of 2 to 3 words, using a phrase employing keywords from your article, for example, on how to housebreak a new puppy, and links to another related article on your site. The second sentence contains an actual link to your website. It could look about like this.

For more on how to housebreak your puppy, get practical advice from an expert. Visit mydomainonpuppytraining dot com.

The words "housebreak your puppy" would form the anchor text concealing a link to another article on puppy training posted on your site. The actual link would be in the http:// form. There are free sites to make these, and most blog post editors have link creation buttions that will show you how to make these words live links.

Why do you benefit from these live links? When Google crawls the article directories it picks up these links pointing back to your site. Good articles will also often be republished on other sites and blogs by readers, adding further instances of your backlinks on the internet, providing additional pathways to your site.

With properly written signature links appended to articles mass submitted to lots of online directories, you develop connections across the net that Google and other search engines read as traffic. Higher traffic equals higher ranking on Google which means to success for you. Creating backlinks on numerous sites establishes your site's presence on the net. Now that you have read this article, you better realize where to locate backlinks, how to produce them, and how they get traffic to your website, the foremost intent of article marketing.


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