ib tutor,tutorial-Understanding Keyword Optimization

Understanding Keyword Optimization By: Christian Mosley


With the great influence of the Internet on a growing number of consumers these days, online marketing is now considered one of the best, if not the best, way to promote a business. Doing this can give any businessman no matter how big or small it is to generate more revenues by making his business known to its market. So that businessmen's efforts won't be wasted in doing this, a lot of brainstorming should be conducted to come up with the most effective tactic that can help their businesses reach its full potential.

When we say Internet marketing, it refers to many kinds of marketing strategies but one of the best and is proven to be effective is keyword optimization. In this strategy, right keywowrds are used in a website's content which will make it easier for search engines to index it. The site will eventually increase its ranking and turn up at the top of the page once a user use that keyword in searching.

It is tehrefore very important to have a list of relevant keywords ready before actually starting an SEO marketing campaign. In case you are having a difficulty in coming up with a list, you can use online tools that are designed specifically for this. A person just has to type in a certain service or product that he would like to promote and the tool returns a number of related keywords. Of course, you can always do this manually by having your team exchange ideas and come up with related terms for your website's content.

The presence of the right keywords in a site's content will be important. However, they should also be kept to a certain minimum keyword density that is just enough for the search engines to index them. This is because if Google or Yahoo will determine that your frequency is too high, it will be counted against the webpage which will result to poor page ranking. There's a thin line between having the right number of keywords and in a site and putting too many keywords. That difference, of course, can either work for you or against you.

Aside from keyword optimization, there are also other techniques used for SEO purposes such as social networking, backlinking, blogging which are all aimed at building up a website's presence through the links that the campaign leaves from one related site to another. Therefore, if you have more links optimized in a site, you will have a higher chance for turning up in the SERPs.


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