ib tutor,tutorial-Use a reputable SEO firm that offers proven ethical methods

Use a reputable SEO firm that offers proven ethical methods By: John P Orange


Large firms can afford to dedicate several full time staff members to a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program, or write five-figure cheques every month to out-source the project to a specialized SEO company. While many small companies don t have that luxury, there are companies such as Bubbila Search Marketing that provide superb SEO programs at affordable prices, programs that deliver results. Any company can realize a decent amount of success in their SEO efforts if they follow standard guidelines. Improving your Search Ranking can have a very significant impact on your bottom line. The higher your Search Engine Rankings, particularly if you appear on the first page of Google, Yahoo and MSN, the more traffic you will see on your web site, increasing your potential to turn that traffic into revenue. We would like to warn you about highly questionable SEO practices some firms use, while these may have short term benefits, they are ultimately destined for failure, and at a high price that may include de-listing of a web site by search engines! Tactics such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, doorway pages, or invisible text or links are practices that should never be used by your site. Bubbila recommends that you avoid any firm that suggests you use any of those approaches at any time. SEO is not a science, there are no sure-fire ways to get top Rankings. All of the top search engines guard their Page Ranking algorithms very carefully. They do this to prevent people from artificially modifying their sites to get inappropriately high Search Engine Rankings. Any firm that tells you they know how to guarantee you top Rankings is trying to take advantage of you. Reputable SEO firms will always recommend that you follow widely known practices used in optimizing your web site design, and include appropriate content and keywords in your pages. This will help the Search Engine crawlers, which the Search Engines use to locate and evaluate your site content. Reputable SEO firms will also advise you to implement a comprehensive linking strategy, which can significantly improve your Search Engine Rankings.
10 WIDELY USED PRACTICES: (01) Focus on writing compelling content for humans, not for search engines. (02) Use relevant title tags on each page. (03) Add meta description and keyword tags. (04) Keep page content on the shorter side, but make sure to still completely communicate a full idea. Don’t use 800 words for something that requires only 500. Longer content should be broken up into separate pages with keyword-laced title tags. (05) Make sure that your Web pages have correct HTML coding. Use a validation tool such as the W3C Markup Validation Service to check each page’s syntax. (06) Search engines tend to prefer sites with more than a handful of pages. If your site has fewer than 10 pages, add one Web page of content today. Even if it has more than 10, consider adding more: search engines love sites with regularly updated content. (07) Use Wordtracker or Keyword Elite to find the most common search keywords for your topic. Use those words (and variants) on your new pages. (08) Explore Google’s Webmaster Tools area. Create a sitemap and register it there. (09) Use h1, h2, etc., tags instead of font tags for your site’s headlines. (10) Request one new link from a Web directory or other Web site related to your topic.


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