ib tutor,tutorial-Why Keywords In Page Titles Are Important |
Why Keywords In Page Titles Are Important By: Terry Detty
It is highly recommended to use keywords in page titles themselves. This title tag is different from a Meta tag, but it's worth considering it in relation to them. Whatever text one places in the title tag (between the < title > and < / title > portions), it will appear in the title bar of browsers when online users view the web page. Some browsers also add their own information to whatever you put in the title tag by adding their own name, as for example Microsoft's Internet Explorer or OPERA. The actual text you use in the title tag is one of the most important factors in how a search engine may decide to rank your web page. In addition, all major search engine robot website crawlers will use the text of your title tag as the text they use for the title of your page in your listings. This is one of the very first key elements you need to consider and think about and research when you decide that you want to rank for a specific keyword or keyword phrases. If you have designed your website as a series of websites or linked pages and not just a single Home Page, you must bear in mind that each page of your website must be search engine optimized. The title of each page i.e. the keywords you use on that page and the phrases you use in the content will draw traffic to your site. The traffic you want to draw to your website has got to be researched by you or if your not sure how to do that, the best thing for you to do is to go to a very highly dependable, friendly SEO supported website to find out the information that it is you need I order to pick the best keywords for you niche in your market. This all takes quite a bit of time and effort on the part of a great SEO website. They can research a whole lot more than what you could find because they have been in the game a whole lot longer than you. Over time you may or may not find out how to research for yourself, but in the meantime, you are going to waste much less time by having a dependable worthy source look on your behalf. I would recommend internetsubmitter dot com for anyone that is looking to get a jumpstart on pushing and pulling their website to the top of a major search engine. The unique combination of these words and phrases and content will draw customers using different search engine terms and techniques, so be sure you capture all the keywords and phrases you need for each product, service or information page. Your product and or service will in large determine what title tag you should put in your website. Some of these marketplaces are very, very competitive and unless you are willing to throw a lot of money at marketing, research and advertising, it may or may not be the best route for you to choose at this very moment. The most common mistake made by small business owners when they first design their website is to place their business name or firm name in every title of every page. Actually most of your prospective customers do not bother to know the name of your firm until after they have looked at your site and decided it is worth book marking. This is a very common error made by whoever creates the page. But if you think about it, your website designer or creator is not an SEO guru. So, it’s not a huge deal that this would be something very commonplace on many, many websites. So, while you want your business name in the title of the home page, it is probably a waste of valuable keywords and space to put it in the title line of every page on your site. Why not consider putting keywords in the title so that your page will display closer to the top of the search engine listing. You can always put your business name somewhere in the original content on your website pages. It all comes down to what your goal is with your website. Is your goal to increase your rankings in all of the major search engines? I find it hard to believe that most website owners would rather pick a name they want over something that is going to springboard you to the top of the search engine results. Dedicating first three positions for keywords in the title avoiding the stop words like ‘and’, ‘at’ and the like is crucial in search engine optimization. There are so many very small bits and pieces to this SEO game that most people may think they know, but they have no idea. Its one thing to guess about how you think you should arrange all the content on the website and on your source page that the robots crawl all the time. If you want to fill your brain, little by little while receiving some of the best care and answers to your questions, I would recommend that you go to InternetSubmitter dot com and check everything out for yourself. There should be some great links below that you can click on. Thanks for reading!