
ib tutor,tutorial-Web Site Traffic Promotion.7 Terrific Traffic Ideas That Dont Include Seo Jvs And The Expensive Ppc

Web Site Traffic Promotion.7 Terrific Traffic Ideas That Dont Include Seo Jvs And The Expensive Ppc By: M.Planet Lubowa


Traffic? Have you been banging your head against the wall trying to come up with ways to increase your website traffic without emptying your bank account?. Yes we know that PPC can lose you thousands of dollars, unless you are on of the lucky few who posses the Undercoverprofit membership or google adwords miracle.Plus SEO is very expensive and time consuming unless of course you have search great yet very expensive tools like SEO ELITE.

Then the JV, oh that intimidating process of contacting the gurus to JV with you , then coupled with rejection letters. I guess you have experienced it if you have stayed online for some length of time.
So what do you do when in such a dilemma? Yet you need loads of traffic to make money online?

Remember, we are talking about targeted traffic. Laser targeted, highly motivated customers ready to whip out their wallets and input their credit cards. You are searching for El Dorado. You know it's there. You've read that others have found it. There is a path and it starts here.

Below are five diverse methods that you start to use to drive targeted customers to your site with the knowledge you gain here.

1. Join the world and start a blog! Blogging is the craze of this internet generation. A blog is online diary that can be easily updated. Your readers can even leave comments or answer polls. By just setting one up you create another link into your site. People love blogs and love to read what others have to say. By creating a blog on a subject related to your website you already have targeted visitors who won’t hesitate to click onto your website if they want to learn more information.

Setting one up is extremely easy and most blog websites are free. I recommend trying out as it’s operated by Google. Also, by setting up a blog on you can almost guarantee you’ll be picked up by Google spiders quicker than if you manually submitted your website to them. Although there are great advantages to posting to a Blogger site you always want to have a blog hosted on your own site. Blogger will take down sites and sometimes for no apparent reason. You can lose all your data and traffic in seconds. Apart from blogger, I have personnally used wordpress successfully. The first time I opened up my word press blog, I made two sales that day. And these were highly priced items. The unfortunate thing is that I got this blog deleted or removed by word press for reasons I did not even know.

I cannot access it now. May be it is my computer. it was located at If it is still there, you can send me an email to tell me.

2- Have you seen the next thing to bloging? I do not know what to call it, but it is called a lense. You simply open up a lense,and post any message relating to your topic or business. Provided you update it every day, people will visit this lense even from places you never expected. At your lens, you only post little information about your product or website and then point the reader to your product webpage. In other words, a lens is just a starting point for surfers, not the finishing point. So your offer is the finishing point.

Lenses rank really highly in google, often #1 for non-competitive search terms, and tags help your lens come up for SPECIFIC search terms.

What you have to keep in mind is your probable visitor's mind before he/she finds your lense. What might a person new to your subject search for? Might they type a QUESTION into google?

For example, someone might type: Vitamin booster? If you had this as a tag on your vitamin booster lens then you would probably come up quite high!

Do you have a lens about camera memory cards? Maybe this would be a good tag: what memory cards work with cameraX. Not everybody is going to search google for that, but those who do will probably find you.

So you have to think foward.Will anyone in your target audience type a QUESTION into google? What might they type? Think of some examples, and add them as tags!

You can start up your own lens at Squidoo in only five minutes and it is free. Plus check out my own make money online lens here (Feel free to contact me when you experience any dificult in setting up your lens

3. Make forums related to your niche, your daily destination. There are people talking about your niche on any number of forums and groups. Join several and provide accurate content rich answers to their questions. Be seen as a helper, someone who is truly interested in the topic and the people. Do not spam. Do not advertise but place your site in your signature line. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the number of good customers you'll receive. If people are motivated enough to join a forum or group to discuss their issue then they most likely are motivated to find good information. The other advantage is that your will also gain a lot of knowledge from the experts in your niche. All the gurus in your niche usually hang out in forums. So if you need to rub shoulders with them, it is good you go there.

*Important though * Remember you also have to give the impression of an expert in your niche when answering questions. So you should not openly ask questions. Be the contributor. But if you need so of your questions answered, what I usually do is identify the epert and PM him /her. That way, your inefficiencies are not known by the public.

3.Bum Market to get targeted traffic. Well,bum marketing is a very wide topic that has recently taken trend. It so wide that I cannot discuss it in this volume. But briefly, bum marketing is article marketing to earn money.What you do is to do research on keywords, I recommend keyword elite. Then you identify the key words with little competition ( not above 15000) but some good searches performed on it in a recent month. Then you go to click bank, choose a product related to that topic, write and article about it. Then in your resource box on the article, you include a link to that product. You then submit your article to three recommended article directories which google loves so much. These article directories are, and
With a few weeks, your article will show up on google for a term related to your topic. But you have to make sure that the title of the article contains the keyword or key phrase you are targeting. That is the only SEO you will need with bum marketing.Bum marketing gets traffic to your website simply by riding on the back of the already established higly trafficed sites. Watch out for my next ezine where I will completely disect bum marketing.

4. Viral marketing has a mystique about it. The first site that accidentally took real advantage of this method was Interview With God. The owner of the site published a public domain poem on the net just a couple of months before 9/11. His site was ?discovered' by many people who took solace from the poetry and began sending the site to all of their friends. The rest was history. The essence of viral marketing is sharing information with people you know. There are several avenues open to you and even more if you use your imagination. You can take advantage of social networking sites and social bookmarking sites where you can share your information with all of your new ?friends'. Tell a friend scripts on your site can encourage your current visitors to tell their friends. You'll find that people will tell their friends if your site is funny, touching or if you offer incentive. Another technique is to offer free information through ebooks with links back to your site.

5-Article marketing. This is different from the bum marketing method I have talked about above. With bum marketing, you are basically tarketing low competitive keyword. But here I mean geting traffic for even those highly competitive keywords such as mine which is Make money only and internet marketing. Article marketing has been a topic of conversation for several years now. People seem to attempt this particular avenue and get discouraged easily. Although this type of marketing will economically generate targeted customers it is a time consuming job. The best technique to use is to post at least three to four articles per week to two or three of the top article directories. It's not necessary to post to 300 directories, just the ones with high page ranks like These article postings do three things. You have back links from a site with a high page rank; you have access to publishers and your content will be found on organic searches based on the keywords and phrases you enter when you post to the directory.

6. Do you have expert knowledge on a particular subject that relates to your website and business? You not only can share that knowledge in groups and forums but also by using answer sites through Yahoo Answers or In these arenas people post questions and others post answers. People who read the answers rate them. Your site gets traffic when people perceive that you are giving high quality answers. Traffic

7. Using to advertise your website has become a new way to increase your traffic. This site is mainly a “people meeting” site but you can list your website and create friendships with thousands of people in a very short time.

You simply need to mention your website URL when you send a message to the community bulletin board. This can create a tremendous flood of traffic to your website as there are over 35,000,000 subscribers to

You have the knowledge to drive traffic to your site. This may not be the flood of traffic that dreams are made of but they are targeted customers, the most important kind of traffic. As your skill using these techniques improves so will the number of buying customers visiting your site. And isn't that the point? By spending a little time and using some creativity, promoting your website doesn’t have to drain your bank account. Take some time to check out these opportunities and you’ll find yourself with a steady stream of website traffic in no time.


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