
ib tutor,tutorial-Website optimisation to target sales

Website optimisation to target sales By: David Bertrand


How do you target certain customers if you have a specialised product you’d like to sell through your website? You might be a camera stockist for instance and would like a specialised consumer base to focus on. The best way to do this is through website optimisation from a website optimisation company such as ourselves at SEO Consult.

With a website optimisation campaign, we can give your website a free SEO analysis to see how well it is being picked up by search engines such as Google or Yahoo!. This will give us a fairer idea of what we can do for your website in the capacity of your website optimisation campaign, and where we can take your brand in the future.

We will sit with you and discuss your website optimisation campaign, highlighting which areas could use improvement and which areas are all ready working effectively. We will focus on which keywords you have and if they are being utilised as strongly as possible, what on-page and off-page measures can be effectively implemented and more.

Referring to the earlier camera shop example, it would be unwise to start with keywords such as ‘camera sale’, as larger associations will probably have more authority over them and you won’t rank as highly as you should on search engines. A website optimisation campaign can help streamline your website and will target the customers you really want to focus on.

A website optimisation campaign will help you to generate a strong relationship with your customers, and act as a springboard for you to improve your campaign in the future. A website optimisation campaign takes a long time to implement effectively, but a company such as SEO Consult can help you to see an increase in rankings and effective traffic over time. Contact us today to see where we can take your website optimisation campaign.


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