ib tutor,tutorial-Taste the fruit of success with effective search engine optimization tips

Taste the fruit of success with effective search engine optimization tips By: rahulsharma123


Most of the time when we are surfing in internet by searching for required keyphrases in Google, Bing and Yahoo, what is the Primary object that you do in for the most part cases? Crystal clear one simple answer is one would visit any one of the search engines like Google, Bing, yahoo and type the Required long tail keyword phrases and look for the information in the sties given in the serps result. This the most common thing Internet surfing person do while looking for any Quality resource on the arena of internet by practicing search engine optimization seospidy. Moreover, the fact is that the result displayed in the Google, Bing and yahoo serps result pages contains the list of links to several websites which are having the searched information. If Internet surfing person follow carefully these links are placed in a certain order. The fact is that in most cases it is seen that pages in the top ten ranking or in other words the pages which appear first in the top ten ranking gets the maximum traffic of Online visitors. And this is why the Google seo optimization serps ranking stuff so much in case of each and every online ecommerce business website.
Likewise it is understandable that the search engine optimizer or webmasters would always wish for more and more traffic to their website by retaining old customer and building new relationship with new customers coming from search engines and paid networks. Interesting part of website promotion and website optimization is we easily convert these churning visitors to our customers by building wire frame management. Therefore, to increase the volume of visitors to any website the most crucial and necessary thing is to get proper search engine optimization done on the business ecommerce website. Therefore the search engine marketing is the most essential thing that is needed to increase the volume of visitors and search bots Like Google, Bing and Yahoo to our website.
We can do self seo or search engine optimization daily hour practice for our website using our own pc or laptop with internet connection.
First we should research for keyword of our niche business then have to calculate daily visitors we can get from search engines using those niche keywords. Then we have to analysis keyword competition.
Practice some Onpage optimization in our website considering keyword proximity, keyword density, keyword prominence.
Lets started with Offpage optimization-> linking with our website to build Google trust rank by having quality backlinks which improve alexa ranking also
In our daily self doing seo practice we have to do
Forum link building – check our similar niche business forum give more exposure to our business by becoming active member of our similar niche business forum.
Write unique and very informative article about our niche business and post inbound link to our website using author resource text or box and do some spinning in article manipulation so that it look different and then submit it to high pr article directories.
Create interactive video and company presentation and share it with video sharing and power point presentation sharing sites like slideshare, youtube etc
Submit our company detail in high page rank web directories like Dmoz, yahoo directory etc
Submit press release once in a week or month to press release or news websites.
Hire dedicated blog writer or do blog writing from our own on regular basis and publish blog post in our company blog and become active member in similar niche business blog as great comment posting expert and also post interactive and informative post in other website blogs of similar interest and build list building.
Publish E-newsletter and Interactive Email to our customers’ database once in a week or atleast 3 times in a month.


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