ib tutor,tutorial-SEO: White Hat vs. Black Hat

SEO: White Hat vs. Black Hat By: Amy T. Adams


SEO: White Hat vs. Black Hat

SEO or search engine optimization techniques are methods that webmasters use to get a higher index on search engines like Google for their site. There are two main types of SEO strategies that are in use today. These are black hat strategies and white hat strategies. The methods used for each differ significantly but both are always changing. The competition between the two sides is great, with both pulling in their fair share of business and causing a lot of controversy. Here are some ways to tell the difference between a black hat strategy and a white hat strategy.

Black Hat Strategies

Black hat strategies attempt to get higher rankings by using methods of deception. Black hat strategies are typically frowned upon by search engine companies in general. Black hat strategies involve spam, cloaking, and varying the visible site.

Many black hat SEO strategies involve creating dummy sites full of pointless links in order to make the site seem more reputable and increase the indexing on Google and other search engines. Other strategies involve sending out massive spam mail attracting people back to the site or creating different sites for human visitors as opposed to search engine robots.

In general any practice that is used to deceive people into visiting a site is considered a black hat strategy. Search engines do not have a problem with SEO marketing as a promotion technique. They do tend to side with webmasters who use white hat strategies in general. Many search engines make it a point to crack down on sites using black hat strategies as a form or promotion in order to discourage the practice. Google is famous for many of its black hat crackdowns over the years.

Black hat strategists typically are expecting to get booted from their search engines eventually. Their goal is to get as many site hits as they can before that happens. Once they are booted they immediately create another popular topic site in order to start the process again before they are kicked off again.

White Hat Strategies

White hat strategies are generally defined as the ones that follow search engine guidelines in an attempt to keep their site on search engine indexes for a long time. White hat strategists tend to create sites that are full of high quality content that will allow consumers to get the best quality content they can.

White hat strategists do not believe in scamming potential users or providing content that is so overwrought with keywords it barely makes sense in order to get a higher index. Instead they provide content that meets search engine guidelines and has a potential to rank high but still makes sense to consumers.

In general webmasters who plan on being in business for a good long time and making a fair amount of profit from their site will generally do best by going with a white hat strategy. These will make their site appear more reputable and provide a chance to make more profit over time. Though this process can be slower, it is best for the long term.


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