ib tutor,tutorial-Seo And Why Some Customers Stay Away In Droves

Seo And Why Some Customers Stay Away In Droves By: Scott Lindsay


It’s two in the morning. Your family has all been in bed for a few hours. This isn’t the first night you’ve been up late. You’re devouring articles, perusing forums, reading blogs and scanning ebooks.

The subject of choice is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your monitor blinks in the early morning hours of a new day – one you greeted while everyone else slept. Someone half a world away sends an instant message answering yet another question you consider dumb.

Your online business has only been marginal in performance and your goals for your business have fallen short of expectations. In your sleep-deprived state you feel like either giving up or perhaps volunteering to be the poster child for problem online businesses.

You believe your business is solid in its plan and that the products you sell are quality and desirable, yet somehow you keep returning to the feeling of potential failure as you wonder why you just can’t seem to break that elusive barrier that opens up new opportunities for success.

When you developed your business you were careful to plan your website and worked to infuse creativity in the graphic design of the website. By everyone’s admission yours is an attractive site, yet the ‘Internet connected’ stay away in droves.

The truth is they aren’t staying away in droves they may simply be unaware that you exist. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains one of the single most important steps that an online business can take and yet it is also one of the single most commonly ignored steps.

SEO encompasses a variety of disciplines, but each is designed to get the attention of search engines. The reason this is important is that without the free assistance of search engines very few individuals will ever find your website without a personal invitation.

Without using SEO you are left with few options for drawing potential customers. Arguably the top two are email marketing and Pay Per Click (PPC)/Banner advertising.

Either of these methods can help, but they also are a drain on your available finances. SEO works to laser focus your message through the use of keyword or phrase search terms that can help set your site apart and improve your site ranking.

Most Internet users will conduct multiple online searches when they use the computer. Many consumers will begin with a search to find a product they desire. If your wonderfully creative site is not listed in the first few pages in a search engine chances are pretty strong that the consumer (who may have happily spent their money with your online store) will simply choose a different site.

So, you sit in the dark and read just one more article on SEO and you begin to understand that you can produce content and descriptions that are uniform in purpose and phrasing, assisting you in catching the attention of search engines.

You will sleep soon, but for a moment you close your glazed eyes and imagine the possibilities of purpose in your online store and you have some idea on how to finally achieve the goals that have been elusive for far too long.


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