ib tutor,tutorial-SEO: Why should you not use some freelancers Off page SEO for your SEO purposes?

SEO: Why should you not use some freelancers Off page SEO for your SEO purposes? By: Maria Johnsen


The basic ingredient behind SEO for your website has always been and always be the use of the right keywords. But the internet is constantly evolving which means your tactics must be constantly changing. There are many different areas that encompass the SEO of a web page and site. There are blackhat and whitehat techniques along with On page and Off page techniques. All of these have their advantages and drawbacks.

Of some of the more popular techniques there is one that is called Off page SEO. These techniques are considered easier and simpler to use than On page techniques. Off page techniques are mainly involved with links to other sites. The building of links that are associated with your anchor key words and key word phases has to be built.
One of the main reasons a website owner should be cautious of using a freelance Off page as an optimization tool is because you will have no control of the Off page site or content. You do not want to have a link to your site that uses SEO spamming tactics. One of the more common and often used of these is a link farm. This is a site that can contain over 100 outbound links per page on its website. This will increase traffic for a short time, but the long term effect will cause you to drop in the rankings or become delisted. Other heavily frowned upon tactics are the use of irrelevant key words in your link-ads, the use of garbage links, link churning, and the worst of them all is the hidden inbound links. Most sites are managed properly and do not go from whitehat to blackhat, but that is the choice of the website owner. Unless you are constantly checking all the different links and the sites where they exist, there is a chance it can hurt you and your site.

If you have decided to use Off page SEO techniques, there are some common mistakes that should be avoided for the best possible results. Avoid using duplicate keywords in your link-ads. To avoid link growth spikes in your statistical counters, do not use site wide links. Keep your links to specific pages so that they will be more relevant to your site and your goals as a web site owner. Do not incorporate On page SEO tactics to perform Off page SEO functions. One of the most annoying things that should be avoided is to have random links that are not associated with any of your keywords.

Off page SEO is how the internet portrays your site to others. This is why it is important to use professional Off page SEO companies. The better ones not only have good reputations but provide good results having been doing this kind of work for two years or more. Beware of the Freelance newcomers that could be doing Off page SEO work for a quick buck that employ harmful techniques that could not only hurt your rankings but cause you to become delisted and make you lose money.


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