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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques By: Roberto Garabell
These days it is highly important for the website owners and developers to have their site ranked among the a€?top mosta€? sites in the results produced by the search engine. Obviously these sites have the largest number of clicks. The search engines, specially the top ones (Google, Microsoft and Yahoo) have taken into consideration several different factors for SEO, most of which are not disclosed. But they do have a set of guide lines for the websites to adhere to. The site developers have to strive and work harder to employ efficient SSEO techniques for their sites. The techniques are broadly divided into two major categories, the white hat SEO techniques and the black hat SEO techniques. The white hat SEO techniques are those which do not violate the Search Enginea€?s prescribed set of rule in any form. It is made sure that the content that is shown to the site is the same content that would appear when a user clicks on the URL. Also these techniques guarantee high accessibility. The black hat SEO techniques are the kind of techniques that employ wrong ands deceptive techniques to improve their ranking in the search engine. The most common and infamous technique is called a€?cloakinga€?. In this technique a different website is reached when a user clicks its URL and a different one is reached, if accessed by the Search Engine itself. The Search Engines usually have a strong check on what techniques a site is using. Sites found using black hat techniques are penalized accordingly. Either their ranking is reduced or they are simply removed and banned from the engine. Usually the search engines have algorithms to check the techniques employed by the sites and sometimes they also do manual checking. So when developing a web site, the developer should keep in mind the legal and ethical values for its submission to the search engine.