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Search Engine Optimization – The Right Use! By:
Bothered that your website lacks visitors and traffic? Concerned that there isn’t much feedback? This may be because your search engine optimization needs some fine-tuning. There are many ways to drive the traffic to a website but search engine optimization still rules the roost. Tweaking the SEO of your webpage is one of the prime ways to improve the traffic. Also an improved SEO leads to a great usability by the users to find your website in the list that appears in the search engine. By enhancing your Search Engine Optimization for your webpage, you will: ? Advance your page’s rankings ? Enhance traffic to your webpage ? Cope with genuine visitors who are interested in your products and services Here are a few factors that would help drive traffic The Right Keyword: - Determining the right keyword that describes your website in a word is of primary importance. The word should reflect the content of the page the visitor would want to know about. These words should be closely considered as this form a very important part of the search. Also the keyword that is selected should appear in all the primary locations on the webpage including the first few paragraphs of a page, headers etc. Effective use of Directories: - By submitting the website to search engine friendly directories would help in effective ranking of the websites. The website should carry at least three descriptions with varied titles. This would increase the number of backlinks for your website. Backlinks determine the popularity or importance that your website possesses. Relevance of Content:- Choice of the right words and necessary phrases is an important step as the content will induce many users the urge to click your website. Kindling their interest should be the main objective when the content of the webpage is decided. Linking blogs that advertise the link of your product and service with the website will also help in improving the ranking of your page. The right use of Article Directories: - Choosing an appropriate title and designing articles and submitting them to the article directories also form an integral part of SEO ranking. The top rated article directories have to be listed to submit your website as that would be more popular among the users. Backlinks should be included in the website for effective search results. This would result in book marking your webpage for further reading or linking your page to the user’s website. This would only result in more traffic. Effective use of Link Exchanges: - There are many webpage owners who are open to exchanging links to share your link to their page and vice versa. This is an effective way to increase traffic in both the web pages. Search Engine Optimization forums provide this opportunity to exchange links and send testimonials about your webpage. The business of creating webpage and to make it effective among the users has a lot of challenges. By applying these rules of the SEO will give your webpage a better chance to be viewed, picked and bookmarked.