ib tutor,tutorial-Search Engine Optimization - Image Search Optimization (ISO) |
Search Engine Optimization - Image Search Optimization (ISO) By: Roberto Garabell
A search engine may offer different services to its users. Along with the text search it may also offer searching for images, groups, news and videos etc. the web site owners or developers should also keep in mind that along with the text and key word efficient Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, they also need good Image Search Optimization (ISO) techniques to improve the ranking of their sites among the enginea€?s data base. I give you some extremely simple and easy Image Search Optimization (ISO) techniques. Keep in mind the following factors. a€¢ The name of the image Your image should have a name and the name should be meaningful. Try to include the name of the topic that your website is about, in the nomenclature. a€¢ the description of the image It will be a very good practice if along with the name you are giving a short and concise description of the image. The description can contain mechanical details, if it is a picture of a gadget. It can contain also contain the date, time, venue of the picture, along with the name of the photographer. a€¢ The Quality of the image The image should be clear, sharp and non-offensive. Its resolution should be high. Try to keep the same image, available in 2 or 3 different resolutions. a€¢ The accessibility of the image Make sure all the images of your site are in search enginea€?s directory and easy accessible to the a€?crawlersa€?. a€¢ The size and placement of the image Although it may surprise you but the size and placement of the image also counts. It should be neither too small (that it remains almost hidden on your page) nor too large (that the text of your page is over-shadowed). Also some text should be placed around 3 or at least 2 sides of the image. Take care of these things and there would be no reason why your image wona€?t be among the first ones in the web search.