ib tutor,tutorial-Nofollow Tag. All the Accurate Information You Need to Posses for Productive SEO Decisions

Nofollow Tag. All the Accurate Information You Need to Posses for Productive SEO Decisions By: Cristian Lungu


The nofollow tag was designed initially by Google and over time appropriated by all the major search engines to fight spammy link building campaigns mostly conducted through blog and forum commenting. This attribute prevents any editorial trust being passed to the linked landing page.

Many webmaster consider in error that this attribute prevents search engine bots to follow the link and inspect the landing page.

Plus there are even more that see the nofollow attribute as the perfect solution to keep PageRank within their site borders.

The truth is that not only this assumptions are totally outdated but Google permanently experiments with using the attribute. Even though it's impossible to pinpoint its assigned effectiveness on a certain moment in time, as a general rule of thumb know that not all link juice or PageRank is restrained from flowing outside the site and in fact there is some (uncertain) amount appointed to the landing page.

Going back to the first misconception this is also inaccurate, because search engines will follow the link but will not assign it with any authority or PageRank from your website, due to your attitude towards it (manifested with the nofollow tag) - "I'm not recommending it".

The code to embed a nofollow back link:

< a href ="http://www.triumph.asia " rel="nofollow" > anchor text< /a >

So how to effectively use the nofollow tag?

For slim websites the nofollow attribute should be use only with content packed webpages.

Google in particular doesn't approve sites that their sole reason for being is to produce money with no real contribution brought to its users. So any attempt of focusing PageRank flow exclusively towards sales letter pages will be drastically penalized and your site will lay on the organic listings gutter for many months.

For legitimate, solid business websites that offer search engines with unique content is OK to use the tag more freely.

Focus on letting the link juice/authority flow solely between important pages of your site. From an SEO perspective, pages like "about us", "terms of services", don't bring you any benefit.

The solution is given by the nofollow attribute; use it whenever you need to reference these sections, even if with links on the home page.

A more advantaged technique of using nofollow tag is to embed it on links that point to category pages.

Doing this will:

1) PageRank isn't unnecessarily diluted in the higher site levels and

2) maximizes the authority being passed to money and leads generating webpages.

As with all smart methods, there's also a sneaky side of using the rel="nofollow" - in reciprocal linking

A rather effective method of getting away with a one way do follow link out of a link exchange is to nofollow the link pointing to your partner website.

I don't recommend the practice because can become detrimental for your brand, once exposed.

In addition, there is a second motive that has to do with the way ranking algorithms are functioning.

A website that contains loads of nofollowed links are not appointed a great deal of trust from the search engines indexing it's content pages.

If you sell advertising space on your website whether it's a blog or classic platform, be sure to have them nofollowed because Google doesn't approve followed ads. If the advertiser is reluctant to have a dofollow link, demand for a relevant piece of content and insert the link in the page's content container.

Make sure you carry the task as described above because these links are inspected by human editors and not by automatic search engine bots.

The other alternative to boost ranking power to converting sections is to massively build links pointing towards them while overlooking off-site optimization for the other parts.

This is perfectly doable and gives real ranking results but I suggest taking advantage of the nofollow tag concept in optimizing your site.


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