ib tutor,tutorial-Linkbaiting Can Be Fun And Very Rewarding

Linkbaiting Can Be Fun And Very Rewarding By: Jeff Alderson


Sure, linkbaiting has gained a bad reputation, but the reality is this practice is an effective means for boosting a site's traffic. Depending on which measures are taken to gain incoming links, the practice in and of itself isn't necessary illegitimate or bad either.

Although it's not necessarily loved in all circles, linkbaiting is a rather effective means of promoting a site and its material. In reality, the only contrast between linkbaiting and regular site development lies in the truth that much of the content created for linkbaiting is designed with gaining incoming links in mind.

The first step in effectively putting linkbaiting to use for a site is coming up with the right content. Many publishers visit Technorati to track popular trends and try to tie their works into them. It is also possible to track trends with Digg.com, del.icio.us and other similar sites. The idea here is to find out what's hot and what's not in regard to what your site focuses on and try to write to that crowd.

Another effective, and perhaps less pointed way, to have some fun with linkbaiting is to simple do what comes naturally. Add content to your site in the manner you see fit. Just make sure it's solid, relevant and appealing to readers. What a lot of blog owners do is create informative lists, run statistics, add contests and even write very strong opinion pieces on the topics they focus on. Controversy, rants and gripes tend to gain incoming links rather well, too.

No matter how good content happens to be, sometimes the links just don't come. A promotional effort can help here. One possibility involves contacting publishers of similar sites and trying to garner their opinion on a particular piece. This contact can produce solid advice and it might result in a link, too.

Sites that involve social tagging or even popularity ranks can be wonderful tools to use, as well. Places such as Digg.com can have a huge impact on incoming traffic and links if a story is picked up. Some publishers create their own "Diggs" to take advantage of the supercharge of traffic this site can provide, but a lot of people find this too self promoting.

The concept involved with linkbaiting is to create incoming links - nothing more and nothing less. The idea is to increase traffic, income potential and possibly even page ranking, too.

It might have a negative image, but linkbaiting is a common practice that can produce great results. If the concept is approached with a careful touch, content is worthy and a little fun is had, it generally works out quite well.

Publishers who want to delve into linkbaiting will likely find that it works quite well. It is important, however, to make sure content is everything it's cracked up to be. If it's not, the initial jolt in traffic might be the last. The key is making visitors want to return.


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