ib tutor,tutorial-Finding Keywords for Non-English Websites

Finding Keywords for Non-English Websites By: Roberto Garabell


Generally speaking, when we consider SEO for websites we will only examine the English elements of SEO. We target websites to include English search strings mainly targeting British or American users. There are a variety of different keyword suggestion tools to help with this and every SEO expert has their own favorite tool for the job. These tools are commonly used for English language websites and are very helpful for this particular location SEO marketing.

If you are really stuck for keyword tools for a foreign language website you can always take some time out offline to ask people in the area about what kind of words they will search for when looking for a website like this. You should keep in mind your target audience and also to ensure the survey is as random as possible. This means gathering statistical information from as many people as possible, and ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to be asked. It is important to bear in mind your target audience when evaluating this information because it will help you determine which keywords are actually going to benefit the website. If you are making an adult website for example, it is no good (and not morally proper) asking children or even the elderly what they would search for to find this website. In fact, those are likely to be keywords you want to avoid to stop them finding it at all.

You can also do this type of research online by utilizing forums and online communities or news groups. By doing this you can contact everyday people directly. Using a service like Yahoo Questions will ensure you get your question answered more effectively but this does require some small grasp of the language in question. To help remedy this dilemma you can use a translation tool like Babel Fish or enlist the services of a professional translator. The same considerations you need to make for offline surveying need to be applied to online surveying as well.

Finally you can still use online keyword research tools to find out what the common keywords are for your particular website in the required language although there are not a great many to help you. You can merely translate the keywords you find in English into the language you require again using either a translation tool or a professional translator. Your best bet for finding direct foreign language keyword tools is to investigate Google which has a wealth of different tools and AdSense help aids.


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