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Seo Marketing Tools That Earn Money By: Chris Angus
A discussion of some of the software programs and tools that can help optimize your SEO as well as bring more targeted visitors to your website. There are definitely some SEO marketing tools on the market that can help your homegrown web site earn more money. For instance you might want to consider getting an opt-in list builder. This type of program helps you install an opt in request feature on your website so that you can build your own mailing list. There are some out there on the market that promise that you can have a list with as many as thirty thousand people on it in just three months. Another tool that you might want to consider getting is a link manager. Sometimes they are referred to as hoplink managers. This is a great Internet business gizmo that allows affiliates to promote multiple websites using only one ClickBank account. The result is often an increase in profits thanks to a raise in your page rankings on both Google and Clickbank. Programs that can assist you with your SEO are ones like the Article Page Machine, the Article Site Builder and the Quick Page generator. These programs assist people who can't write in taking articles and replicating them. This is one way to building an informational site that is original and unique, however be forewarned. Make too many pages like these and you could be accused of spamming. Article page machines are writing tools that allow you to take an article and automatically maximize it with keywords. Article site builder helps you earn money by drawing targeted visitors to your informational site. Quick page generators are advertised as being able you to create hundreds of pages of unique public domain content without spamming. However the drawback is that usually these articles are not of a high enough quality to submit to article and ezine directories as these directories do detect this type of artificially generated piece as spam sooner or later.