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Seo And Google’s Website Optimizer By: Scott Lindsay
If you were to come across a website that said, “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) made easy,” you’d probably move along pretty quickly or you might stick around wondering if this statement is an oxymoron. SEO never seems easy and if it does you’re probably not doing it right. But what if the website making the wild claim was the search engine giant “Google”? This is the company that provides certain algorithms to help place new and existing site pages into their search engines. Why would they want to help you rank more highly? Why would they want to pass along trade secrets? Well, Google can offer a support plan to help you and, as you might expect, that does carry a fee, but you can put the product through a free test and see how it could potentially make your website more profitable. This tool helps you connect with both search engines and your customers by allowing you to see what combination of information is most appealing to consumers. This bit of research can help you make ideas for improvement before you ever submit new content to your site. To review this tool visit Google has become the gold standard for SEO and being able to tap into the Google potential for best SEO results may make sense to many website owners. Of course there are some that may not care about SEO, but that’s fodder for a different article. Fully testing a website has been time consuming and has often required second-guessing on the part of the business owner. The Google web tool is touted as being able to reduce testing time and provide significant data to help you find the right marketing thrust for your ecommerce website. Admittedly it can seem a bit uncanny that Google has been able to establish so many elements to assist web users and site owners, but they have also been very open in working with other partners to establish something bigger than they could on their own. Perhaps it is this open door policy that has allowed such phenomenal growth. The truth is Google now owns a major broadcasting automation software program and that is allowing them to take their AdWords program and apply it to national radio broadcast advertising. Google continues to think outside the box and, generally speaking, most people benefit from their innovations. In many of my other articles I have helped explain what Google and other search engines are looking for when they determine site rankings. The tool I mentioned above gives you a first hand glimpse at how close you came to meeting their objectives and how you might better be able to serve your customers and improve your online site’s ranking by making some minor adjustments. I suppose this might even seem a bit like insider information, but in this case Google welcomes business owners to learn for themselves what they need to do to catch their attention and convert an ecommerce site visitor to a paying customer.