ib tutor,tutorial-SEO - A Powerful Marketing Weapon In An Economic Downturn

SEO - A Powerful Marketing Weapon In An Economic Downturn By: Mrityunjoy SEO


In the business context, the days of lavish spending and excessive marketing budgets appear to be at an end - at least for the time being. Many businesses are cutting their staffing levels as a last resort but many more are cutting spending in other ways.

In many cases, both now and in the past, the first reaction in difficult times has been to lock the stationery cupboard and slash the marketing budget. While the issue of stationery is relatively trivial to all but paper salesmen, indiscriminately cutting marketing budgets in tough times can be quite counterproductive.

Take the case of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). SEO is one of the most potent but least understood weapons in any company's marketing arsenal. This unfortunately makes it a prime candidate for aggressive budget cuts. But good SEO can in fact help business through tough times and even recession-proof them to an extent.

This is not a throwaway line. SEO is not a 'nice to have' but rather, a commercial necessity. After the execution of a considered and robust SEO strategy, relatively little effort or expenditure. is required to maintain results. Even if advertising and other marketing activity is scaled back, a high search engine ranking will remain as a visible and potent reminder of your place in the market.

The benefit that good SEO brings can be likened to the benefits of having a strong brand. Strong brands hold a lot of trust and goodwill and are best able to weather seasonal peaks and troughs.

About the author
Shout Web Strategy is a search engine optimisation (SEO) services company in Melbourne. Shout not only specialise in SEO. They also specialise in search engine marketing
(SEM), web usability, website conversion. Shout not only achieves high rankings for your website, they make it a profit centre for your business.

People generally react in one of two ways during an economic downturn. Some brace for the worst, slash their spending and hope to just "ride it out". Others see opportunity in tough times. In spite of the current economic malaise, the time is right to capitalise on the opportunity that SEO offers.

SEO is measurable and very accountable. This cannot be said to the same degree if at all about other marketing tools and advertising media. In uncertain times, people crave certainty and seek to avoid unnecessary risks. Furthermore, each marketing dollar is likely to come under more intense scrutiny and should be spent on activities that are most likely to generate the maximum return on investment.The results of a well executed SEO campaign are clearly visible and can be measured in terms of Google rankings, website traffic
and ultimately, sales. So rather dabble with fleeting or creatively dubious advertising campaigns, adopting a concerted and targeted SEO strategy is far more likely to achieve quantifiable results in difficult times.

In terms of the return on investment that good SEO is capable of delivering, it pays to act first. As more and more businesses come to recognise the benefits of implementing a comprhensive SEO strategy competition for an increasing number keywords.

will intensify. This in turn will make SEO strategy execution more difficult and more expensive. However, by cementing a place at the top of Google search rankings when competition is relatively limited, it becomes a lot easier to defend against future competitor movements.Time in the market is critical.


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