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Keyword Density Vs Keyword Ranking By: Gen Wright
If you are new to online marketing you've probably heard about how keywords are essential to website presence and traffic generation. Your goal is to get the maximum amount of hits or visitors to your site whether it be a blog, content site or forum. In order to be able to do this you need to know what terms or keywords people are searching for. You need the terms that have the most traffic with the least amount of competition. The way to get that traffic is by understanding these two concepts. What exactly is keyword density anyway and why should you care? This is based upon a secret special formula used by the different search engines like Yahoo, Google, and MSN which track how many times a particular keyword is used in articles, blogs or web content. In the example of article marketing you don't want to use a word more than necessary or it will not appear natural and might be considered as spam. No not the fake meat, but similar to the emails that you are constantly trying to delete that you didn't request that show up in your inbox. When that happens your content will not be considered as favorable content and you might even damage your website beyond repair. Keyword ranking on the other hand is a method to judge how popular your site is based upon traffic, content, links, and age. It is similar to a race. You want to finish in first place. The same goes with ranking. You want to be on the first page of any search that your targeted traffic is looking for. Preferably you want to be the first listing on the first page. This is the ultimate goal for any website. Some keywords will be difficult to rank for as they may have many too many links. There are plenty of free tools that you can use that will help you to identify keyword ranking to help you improve your visibility. Both of these terms correlate to organic searches. These are the websites that are in the middle of the page search below the paid ads. On Google these ads may be highlighted in a different color to indicate that they are paid for advertising. As you are just starting out you will want to try many of the low cost marketing methods before proceeding to the paid per click or PPC ads. If you are uncertain exactly what needs to be done you can outsource this to someone and they'll be able to provide you with articles, or web content that is liked by the search engines. Though you might want to still learn the necessary basics to understand how this works so that when you do hire someone you can recognize quality work. There are plenty of forums on the internet that go into great detail on the specifics and they might even preview your work and give you pointers and tips to help you improve.