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Keyword Density Explaind By: AA Caldwell
You must understand the concept of keyword density as it is your means of communication with the search engines. If your keyword doesn't appear enough times in your article, the search engines will ignore you and your content. If you sprinkle your keyword in your article too heavily, the search engines will presume that you are spamming and penalize you for that. But don't worry about that while you are writing. Just write naturally about your subject without giving keyword density a thought. After you have edited your prose at least once, then take a few minutes to go through the article and calculate your keyword density. Simply put, it is a measurement of how many times a particular keyword appears in an article. Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage. The ideal range is between 2% and 5%. To calculate the keyword density in a particular article, count how many times the word appears in the prose. Then divide the keyword number by the number of words in the article. Multiply that result by 100 and you will have your keyword density. As an example, say that your keyword appears 13 times in a 500 word article. 13/500 equals 0.026. Multiply 0.026 x 100 and you will have a keyword density of 2.6%. Most word processing programs will count the total words in your document, making the keyword density that much easier to calculate. If you've overused your word, you can use the find and replace function, along with a thesaurus, to remove some of the key words. If it doesn't appear frequently enough, change some of the synonyms to your keyword. In the above example, I have already calculated that having the keyword appear 20 times will give me a keyword density of 4%. Even if my keyword came in at the aforementioned 2.6%, I might choose to replace a few of the synonyms to strengthen my keyword density. But I'll only choose to do that if it sounds natural and not stilted. An important method for directing traffic to your site is by the use of articles. As a significant tool for Internet marketing, the articles can be used on your website, on Web 2.0 or submitted to directories. The important concept to remember is that keyword density will help you to achieve maximum results from your articles. You do need to consider your keyword density on all of your web content. It's so important to maximize the effect that your articles will have in reaching your target audience.