ib tutor,tutorial-How to get organic traffic to your webpage using simple SEO techniques |
How to get organic traffic to your webpage using simple SEO techniques By: Julia Andersson
When it comes to receiving free traffic straight from search engines everyone appears to have an opinion of how to get page one rankings for a website. Unfortunately, search engines like google don't reveal their algorithm to anybody. So how do you know where to concentrate your SEO efforts? The most critical issue in gaining free traffic from search engines involves GETTING BACK TO BASICS! Sure, all these newfangled techniques using social media sites, video and audio possess a function in helping sites acquire good rankings. But if a site is badly optimized to start with then the effectivness of these techniques will be limited. And the vast majority of sites are badly optimized. Most website owners don't even bother to do keyword research, or perform only rudimentary research (i.e. how many searches does the preferred keyword get?) As a result they might end up targeting keywords that are too general or have too much opposition... then they wonder why they're not getting traffic from search engines... sheesh! So what are the fundamentals? The fundamentals are: 1. Domain name: 2. Website Title: 3. Backlinks: You could also say that keyword research is fundamental. But this article assumes that methodical keyword research has been undertaken and potentially valuable keywords selected. Dealing with each aspect separately: DOMAIN NAME: Every website page should target specific keywords. With the main domain it is essential to make use of the principal keyphrase within the domain name (unless the domain is used for branding). For instance, if a man named Stinkbottom Fartworthy had a site regarding dog training he wouldn't dub his site since it has nothing to do with dog training (despite being unforgettable), unless he specifically wanted his name to be synonymous with dog training. To rank for the keyword 'dog training' it's much better to use the domain name Even though this keyword has huge competition, if site content matched the domain it would ultimately obtain a reputation as a dog training site and rank well for the keyword. You can use sub pages on your site to target much less competitive keywords like, 'how to train small dogs', 'how to teach your dog tricks' etc. These pages will produce traffic for your site. As you draw in further 'longtail' keywords (keywords containing more than three words) the site will begin to rank for the more competitive keyword in the domain name. How do you incorporate longtail keywords in URLs? Merely include the keyword in the filename of the html file. So can have a subpage of how-to-teach-your-dog-tricks.html thus the direct entry url becomes If your site is created in wordpress you can set your permalinks (permanent links) to use the post title as the page id and use the keyword in the post title. WEBSITE TITLE: Your website title is found in the header portion of html code. The title is the wording that appears in the colored bar across the top of the browser window. Many sites don't optimize this section but correct optimization goes a LONG way to convincing search engines that your site ought to be ranked for the keywords present in this tag... especially when page substance matches. BACKLINKS: Backlinks are the MOST IMPORTANT facet of SEO. This is where social media sites etc come into play. By definition, a backlink is a link on another site pointing at your website. There are two incredibly critical things to keep in mind with backlinks. 1. Backlinks on related sites are considerably more valuable than those on unrelated sites. In the example of Mr Fartworthy's dog training site. If he has backlinks on sites relating to dogs, those links will be much more effective in increasing the search engine ranking of his site than having them on a site regarding trucks. In general, one link on a related site is worth 5-10 links on completely unrelated sites. So don't squander effort building links on unrelated sites! 2. If you want your site to rank for a particular keyword, use that keyword as the anchor text for your backlinks. Anchor text is the wording that people click to go to your website. So to rank for the keyword 'dog training tips' you would utilize that as the anchor text. It is important to take note that not all backlinks should utilize this anchor text as it looks abnormal to search engines. So it's important to use other anchor text as well, like your name or some other keyword.