
ib tutor,tutorial-How To Use Long-Tail SEO Keywords and Phrases for High Rankings

How To Use Long-Tail SEO Keywords and Phrases for High Rankings By: Roberto Garabell


If you have spent some time working in the field of Internet marketing you have surely come across long-tail SEO keywords and phrases. The problem is that you may not understand exactly what they are, what the benefits to using them are or how you can go about incorporating them to see the best results. Consider this a basic tutorial to get you started with long-tail SEO keywords and phrases.

When people use search engines today they often make quite specific searches instead of very broad searches. For example, instead of searching for "MP3 player" a person is more likely to search for "MP3 players under $100 reviews". This will get them the specific information they are looking for and the sites that work on using long-tail SEO keywords and phrases in their content will have a better chance at ranking well for those kinds of searches. The problem with generic terms is that they are so broad. If a person searches for "MP3" they may be interested in a software player on their computer, a handheld or portable player, in downloading MP3 songs, or in learning about the actual file format. Therefore the traffic you see from generic terms could be very off base and may not result in the kinds of sales or revenue generation you are looking for.

Additionally, the competition for very generic phrases is extremely fierce, and it will be hard to show up prominently in the search engines for something as simple as "MP3". The solution to both of the above problems is the incorporation of long-tail SEO keywords and phrases that will target your audience in a much better fashion while giving you a superior opportunity to rank well.

101 Marketing Strategies Guide Step 1: Research: When you want to get started taking advantage of long-tail SEO keywords and phrases you have to begin the process with research. You'll see that there are many free options that you can turn to, such as the Google Adwords tool, that will allow you to see which keywords are the most popular and which are the hardest to rank for. There are also many more advanced programs and services you can buy, and the research can also be performed manually by making search queries yourself.

Step 1 in the 101 Marketing Strategies Guide: Researching the keywords. Obviously you have to begin with research so you can make educated and informed decisions about what you should be targeting. While there are many programs and services that are available to be purchased from reputable companies, you'll see there are also many free keyword tools you can use to help with your research. Whichever you choose is obviously up to you and the goal remains the same for all of them. You want to be picking out keywords and key phrases that are low on competition and still relatively high in search count or popularity. Finding the right mix of these two opposing elements may take some practice but it will produce fantastic results.

101 Marketing Strategies Step 2 - Use Long-tail SEO Keywords and Phrases in Titles and Content: Now that you know which keywords you want to use you have to begin incorporating them into your content. They should be included in your page titles, including the browser bar titles, and need to be worked into your page's content as well. Another effective strategy is to use the keywords in your site's internal links, as well as any META tags you use to help classify your sites in the search engines.

Step 3 in the 101 Marketing Strategies Guide: Evaluating and Marketing. Now that you have taken care of the onsite aspect of your long-tail keywords you have to take care of the offsite aspects. This means building incoming links to your site that will boost your position in the search engines and also lead to direct and referral traffic to your business. Once you have all of this completed, you have to remember that your job isn't finished. Online marketing is a constant battle, and it's always changing. That means that you have to constantly stay on top of things by tweaking, evaluating, judging, trying new things and more. If you put the time and energy into this that it requires, you'll be able to build and maintain long term success.

The above three steps are an oversimplification of an effective strategy that you may use to help target particular long-tail SEO keywords and phrases. You have to put the correct time into researching your market and the keyword phrases they use, determining which apply to your niche and which you can rank for the best results. You then have to incorporate those phrases into your website and begin building links centered on those phrases, always adjusting and optimizing as you go. If you do this, you'll be able to gain a much more prominent position in the search engines.


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