ib tutor,tutorial-When To Use Quality Link Building

When To Use Quality Link Building By: Dr Raeburn Forbes MD(Hons) FRCP


To begin with it should be established what high quality link building is. There are two aspects that denote a quality link building campaign: high quality content and links from quality sites. Quality content should be defined as content that is helpful as opposed to content that is of no interest. The content may be in the form of an article, an image, a photograph, a tool, an open source project or a whole host of other mediums. Links from quality sites are links from those site that are also of value as opposed to those that only exist for reasons such as selling text link advertising.

The real benefit of producing quality content and then pursuing quality inbound links is that the content will attract links from sites that are more likely to be trusted and provide powerful link weight. Links from good sites also help to build reputation and referring traffic as opposed to lower quality links that may not provide any relevant browsers. These links are also more likely to be from sites that will have a long lifetime as opposed to say directories a€“ some of which may only have a few years online.

When choosing the requisites that should be used for a link building campaign it is important to weight up how much time and/or money you are willing to spend, how competitive the search terms are that you want to be placed for and how important it is to you to build reputation and referring traffic. If you are a small enterprise with a small budget you will probably want to opt for lower quality link building strategies and choose less aggressive search terms. This will probably bring you the best return for time and money. For example if you are a brick layer from Birmingham you are probably going to benefit more from directory submission than producing lots of quality content.

Producing quality content can be an extremely time consuming task and will likely need to be a on-going process over months, years or on a permanent basis. The content would also greatly benefit from advertisement, which will take even more important time. There is also the scenario that the content will not attract as much attention as anticipated and thus be a poor investment.


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