ib tutor,tutorial-Web Design and SEO Work Hand in Hand

Web Design and SEO Work Hand in Hand By: Jon Linch


Your website is your company’s image and the first impression many of your customers have. Your website can either make this a positive or negative experience. That’s why any business who truly wants to make it in today’s environment needs a professional web design.

I am here to set the record straight about web design and SEO and how both should work together to maximize your results. There is a misconception floating around out there that if you have a nice looking website, then it will automatically be a success. If you think it will, then you truly aren’t maximizing your website potential at creating leads, attracting new customers, and/or earning your company more money.

Web Design Affects Search Engine Rankings

Having incorrectly or poorly written code can really affect your search engine rankings. The search engines use programs called spiders that crawl through the internet looking for information to rank on their sites and if they can’t read through the code they can’t rank your site. Web designers and programmers know how to correctly write search engine friendly code that works with the search engines proprietary algorithms instead of against them. Our code invites the search engines and their spiders in and allows them easy movement to help your site rank.

Web Designs that Convert Visitors to Sales

Your website is there to help bring your company conversions. What you consider a conversion changes from business to business and our designers know how to drive those conversion; anything from attracting visitors to purchase your product or service, request more information, or even just fill out a contact form.

I can’t stress the importance of including SEO in your web design plans. When you are in the development mockup stage, it’s important to draft your call to actions and the funnel conversion process. You need to make sure that a visitor on your site is 1) intrigued to click on call to actions and 2) has easy accessibility to contact or convert on your product or services.

Now that you have seen why it’s important to implement SEO in web design for conversion, now I will show you why it’s important to consider it for search engines. One example of how SEO and web design go hand in hand is your internal link structure.

Your internal link structure is a key factor in your link building campaign. This is why it’s so important to optimize your website for both users and search engines. Instead of using images for your menu, use text.


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