
ib tutor,tutorial-How to Improve You Website Ranking on the Search Engines

How to Improve You Website Ranking on the Search Engines By: Bob Snowzell


To improve you ranking on the search engines involves a basic understanding of SEO( search engine optimisation)
SEO is a means of improving volume of traffic to a website. It can also improve quality of traffic as well.
This is done using 'natural' search results, with the links appearing on the left hand side of the page.
The higher up the result appears on the search engine, the more visitors it will receive from the search engines.
Suggested figures are that Position 1 on Page 1 could receive around 27% of the clicks, with position 10, on page 1 only receiving 3-4%.
SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.
Many websites suffer with poor ranking, due to not following some simple SEO best practice. Sometimes it is as a result of lack of instruction to the web developer, who will ignore the requirement of 'Meta tags', or place the company name as the meta tag title for all pages.

There are simple things that can be done to significantly improve your website rankings on Google.
Here are ten questions to help you:

1. Meta tag Title: Does your home page Meta tag title include your main keyword/phrase? (Your title will be seen at the very top of your browser)
2. Meta tag Description: Does your Meta tag description include your main keyword/phrase, and is this repeated? (At least twice)
3. Page Content: Does your home page content include your main keyword/phrase 5-6 times(or 6-8%)?
4. Page Content: Does your main keyword/phrase appear at the beginning & end of your content?
5. Page Content: When writing your content, bear in mind what the visitor is looking for. Remember- WIIFM- what's in it for me. State 'benefits' rather that specifications.
6. Meta tags: Are the Meta tag titles used for each page different?
7. Internal Links: Do you use your key words as anchor text when linking internally?
8. Incoming Links; Do you use blog posts to obtain inbound links?
9. Images: Do you use the 'alt text' to include your key words?
10. Flash: Do you have excessive use of 'flash'? Search engines do not index 'flash' and therefore you lose an opportunity. A home page consisting of 'flash' is unlikely to be indexed by search engines


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