
ib tutor,tutorial-How To Improve Web Ranking Of Your Website

How To Improve Web Ranking Of Your Website By: Alta Moreno


The first natural question to consider here is that why is it important to improve web ranking? Let's begin with understanding what this "ranking" indicates. Your website ranking reflects the position of your site when a search engine is run for a particular keyword. This position also indicates the likelihood of traffic being attracted to your website. You would know from experience that it is usually only the top search results that any surfer or searcher visits.

How To Check Your Ranking

You could do this manually. Type in your keyword in the search bar of an engine and go through the results to find your website. Though the most accurate, this method is time consuming.

Alternatively, there are several online tools available to check and ascertain whether you need to improve web ranking for your site. But most search engines don't allow their repeated use. Web masters with a lot of sites and web designers use the more sophisticated and expensive offline tools to track the position of their sites.

How To Improve Your Site's Ranking

It is important to optimize your site to search engine requirements. There are two kinds of optimization possible: on page and off page optimization. It is a time consuming effort that is best managed by professional SEO services providers.

On Page Optimization: This means optimizing your own site so that it attracts traffic and facilitates navigation. It is the first and often the best optimization method.

* Page Titles - Page titles come at the top in browsers and are often used by search engines. To improve web ranking it is a good idea to incorporate keywords into the page titles. The title should be "to the point" and though brief should say exactly what the page is about.
* URL - URLs are highly underutilized SEO tools. They are usually nondescript and not user friendly. If your URL uses keywords it can be used by search engines. The URL should be short but descriptive of what your site is about.
* Meta Tags - Though many regard it as unimportant these days, a good Meta description is essential. It comes up in the search results and if convincing can attract traffic. It should also include site name and toll free numbers.
* Images: Ensure the images on your site are described in alternative text. A keyword rich Alt text will also make your images search engine friendly and help improve web ranking.
* Keyword: Choose keywords carefully. There is software available that help research keywords. You need keywords that describe your product, services, and website. Keyword phrases that incorporate often searched words like best and cheap prove more search-friendly. Keep keyword density at 2-4 percent in your content. Remember that overuse of keywords is discarded as spam by search engines.

Off Page Optimization: This is an important optimization aspect. It is a good idea to hire professional link building services.

* Direct Links: These are links to your website present on websites containing relevant content. It is best to have links to your site on authority sites with good ranking.
* Reciprocal Links: When two related or non related sites agree to mutually place each other's links on their pages it is called reciprocal linking.
* Deep Links: These are links between various pages of your own site. Links should have good anchor text that incorporates keywords if possible.

Search engine optimization is crucial to improve web ranking of any site. There are many web solution companies that can do this job for a fee. If you intend your site to be a success it is a small price to pay for these services.


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