
ib tutor,tutorial-search engine resources

search engine resources By: steven94 raker94


Search engine optimization is a rapidly evolving field of internet marketing, and developments in search engine optimization have kept webmasters on their toes. Everyday, a new development causes webmasters to change the way they optimize websites for search engines. To understand search engine optimization, it is important to understand the term ‘Organic Search Results’. An organic search result is a result generated by a search engine based on the keywords typed by the user, and an organic search result has nothing to do with paid advertising like Google Adwords. In essence, a webmaster cannot ‘buy’ his way to better organic search engine results.
Search engine optimization is essentially improving the design, structure and content of a website to achieve higher organic search rankings. Although there are hundreds of aspects that constitute search engine optimization, there are a few basic terms involved in search engine optimization that need to be understood:
Link building
Google uses a unique algorithm to calculate the importance of a webpage with reference to other pages. Google counts the number of incoming links from other websites and then uses a unique PageRank algorithm to calculate the PageRank of a website. Contrary to popular belief, link building is not just generating incoming links to a website; Google has implemented a concept that ensures that only ‘relevant’ incoming links to a website are counted when calculating the PageRank of a website.
Link building is no longer a simple procedure, and experts carry out extensive research to ascertain if a link will be labeled ‘relevant’ by Google. In addition, Google has also started cracking down on paid links and directories are still the safest bets when it comes to link building.
Website content
There is a popular saying, when it comes to search engine optimization: content is king. Google uses a unique website indexing technique called LSI (Latent Symantec Indexing) that ensures that the content of each website is indexed along with a website’s page details. Google takes into account the keyword density, and other content related details to carry out a comprehensive ‘keyword’ based analysis of content.
Once Google has analyzed the various keywords on a website, it then stores all the relevant keywords for organic search results. The moment a user enters a keyword in Google for a search, Google automatically brings up websites that have been indexed for the relevant keywords. It is important to remember that content can change over a period of time, and a good search engine optimizer has to carry out a comprehensive keyword analysis before deciding which keywords should be targeted. Once the relevant keywords have been targeted, a search engine optimizer then proceeds to create content that has a high keyword density.
To understand the concept of keyword density, let’s assume a website has 500 words of content. If the keyword ‘used cars’ appears in the 500 words 10 times, then the keyword density of the keyword ‘used cars’ will be 2%. Google calculates the keyword density of all keywords in a similar manner.
Using videos for search engine optimization
Apart from the usual venues like images and content, search engine optimizers have started turning to the latest in multimedia content: videos. Websites like YouTube and Google Videos can be used to generate search results for videos, and thus increase incoming traffic to a website. For example, a Google search for the keyword ‘Jay Z’ brings up images and web pages in addition to a YouTube video for the latest Jay Z video ‘Blue Magic’. Videos can be used much like images to increase traffic. Videos also have detailed tags that direct Google bots about the content of the video and which keywords the video should come up for. Google currently supports websites like YouTube and Google Videos while indexing videos.
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