
ib tutor,tutorial-Search engine optimization: Why Some Websites Have Difficulty with Getting Their Site Indexed on Google

Search engine optimization: Why Some Websites Have Difficulty with Getting Their Site Indexed on Google By: Best Marketing Solution


Being indexed suitably by Google should be as simple as adding your page and let Google do the rest. Unluckily, this is not always the case.

Links have been the biggest craze in 2010 and Google stress that when you Search engine optimization your website, a natural build up of links is what will help improve your site’s indexing power and boost in the rankings. Unluckily, there are many individuals trying to shortcut this natural buildup by purchasing links and posting them in large quantities on their site. This leads to delisting of the sites. If you are posting content on your page on a daily basis, keep the links down to less than 5 per posting. The links should also be relevant sites and not just blind links.

SEO Europe experts at Golden Way Media have learned, just like any other countries' experts, that Google can be merciless when they think they detect a blackhat method. Interlinking websites of the same niche is acceptable but only if the sites are relevant and do not have duplicate content.

Many companies such as SEO Trondheim experts at Golden Way Media educate their clients about SEO's many aspects. Google does not index an entire site at once. It happens over a period of time. The time is dependent on a number of different factors. The better your page is internally linked, the faster your entire page will be indexed. Trusted and relevant backlinks from sites that are ranked well also contribute in a positive manner of how fast your site is completely indexed.

There is some disagreement amongst SEO web design experts on whether manual submission of your website to Google makes a difference. Many say it speeds up the process while others say it is a small contributor. What many SEO Norway experts know is that attention to detail matters. No matter how small the effect is, if it is positive and constructive, no matter how small, it should be done.

Knowing where you stand is the first thing a SEO web design expert should do when looking at a site they suspect has a problem with indexing by Google. The best way to know this is with Google Webmaster Tools. They can actually see which pages of a site the Google spiders are crawling and which ones they are bypassing. By looking at what is in common with all the sites that are being crawled, take note if those things are present on the sites not being crawled. It is possible that it could be the fix. The biggest problem here is it could be a number of issues and not just one. This path would take time and patience, but would be worth it to have all of your pages ranking well.

One more significant thing in any SEO web design is to make the site easy for Google to crawl and index the page. The best way is by submitting a page map of your website to Google. It might not solve all of your problems, but it can’t hurt if you are having problems getting indexed on Google.


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