ib tutor,tutorial-Using Twitter Software for Marketing a Website

Using Twitter Software for Marketing a Website By: John Farrow


Imagine sending out a single message to 100,000 people and getting 500 instant, targeted visitors to your website or affiliate page - and you can do this as many times as you wish! Would your online marketing efforts finally start to pay dividends?...

I am sure that you are aware by now of the social phenomenon that is Twitter. You may also have seen the adverts for many 'get rich quick with twitter' type programs. Sure enough, I have purchased a number of twitter marketing guides and even enrolled on a few twitter 'cash' programs with mixed success. Some have worked well, some have bombed, some have gotten my twitter accounts banned, some have been a downright waste of time and money.

Today I want to share with you a strategy that I use to consistently bank a very impressive 'hands-free' income every single day. No I am not a guru, nor am I going to trying to sell you some ebook or course. (Although I will earn a small commission if you buy the software that I recommend!) .... I shall simply describe how I do it, the tools that I use, then it's up to you.

My strategy is as follows:

1. Open a twitter account
2. Gather as many followers as I can that are interested in a certain niche (e.g. horses)
find products and services that these followers may be interested in buying, either right away or at some time in the future
3. Send out tweets (messages) to all of these twitter followers. I mix my advertising tweets with regular messages like "I'm going to the beach today" or "anyone up for a picnic at 3pm?"
4. I then repeat the process with another niche

This is what happened on my first attempt, many months ago:

I bought some software called the Twitter Friend Follower, cost just under $40. I opened ten twitter accounts and used the software to build a following in my target niche. Five of these accounts got banned almost immediately as I was trying to follow too many people at once and was sending out too many advertising messages. Lesson learned!...I had five accounts remaining and when I got to following 2000 with each account, each account had around 700-900 people following me back ("followers"). The only way to increase the number of followers was then to 'unfollow' those twitter users not following me back. The software promised to do this on autopilot but every time I selected the bulk un-follow feature, it crashed, so a waste of $40. Despite emailing the vendor four times and the payment processor twice, I have never received a reply from the vendor, no bug fix, no support or guidance, nothing. This product is still available for purchase and I strongly urge readers to give "Twitter Friend Follower" software a wide berth!

So, I set about dealing with the 5 accounts of (average) 800 followers (=4,000 people). What I would do is make up a short advertisement for the affiliate product that I was trying to sell and then log in to each of my twitter accounts every two hours and send a tweet something along the lines of "new product does x and comes with FREE TRIAL", along with a shortened link to my target sales page (using the free Bit.Ly shortening service).

My results were as follows:

For every tweet I sent I got (roughly) two visitors to my landing page. I would send a different tweet (message) selling the same affiliate product every two hours = 12 tweets per account per day * 5 accounts = Total 60 tweets per day, or about 400 tweets per week. Remember I was only trying to sell ONE product to my 4.000 followers. I did this every day for two weeks.

Total tweets sent manually in my second week was 402. Total visitors to my landing page 864. Total sales was TWO. Total commission paid to me was $72 (about £48 for two weeks work)

Now that doesn't sound too impressive right but WOW... I realised that I had something that I could 'scale up' and couldn't wait to get moving. So I bought another twitter follower software program, opened another 5 twitter accounts and within a month, had 10 accounts with an average of 3,000 followers on each account.

The results from second attempt:

Per week (roughly) : sent 12 tweets per day to 3000 followers * 10 accounts * 7 days per week = got 6812 visitors in total, sold 9 products, earned just under $360 each week.

Now I was getting somewhere but I still had a few problems:

1. I was losing some followers as I was continually trying to sell the same product. This wasn't really a big problem as the followers can easily be replaced if you have the right automatic follower software. Still, it grated on me to think that I was losing potential customers. So I needed to be able to rotate my adverts for a few different products in order to keep my followers interested. I also needed to post more 'regular' messages, i.e. not advertising anything.

2. It was very time consuming logging into twitter every two hours, posting a message and then repeating this for all ten accounts. Then doing the same over and over sending non-advertising messages. It was repetitive, boring and frankly, even though I was earning $300-$400 per week, was just not worth my time or the effort. My 12 year old son was now offering to take over though... that was serious pocket money for him!

3. Many of my tweets were wasted as the product I was selling was only available to U.S. citizens yet my following was probably only about 1/3rd U.S. and 2/3rds rest of the world.
So, I realised that in order to 'perfect' my system I needed software that would do the following three things:

(1) allow me to search for and attract followers by geographical location as well as by niche/keyword search

(2) grow my follower account every day on autopilot for as many twitter accounts as I wanted.

(3) automatically post my pre-made messages, with one of 5-10 different products as the landing page, at random intervals throughout the day. I wanted to be able to load up a text file of hundreds of adverts and non-sales messages ONCE and then let the software post them at random intervals on autopilot for MONTHS to come.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the twitter marketing software that I now use does all this and much more. I can't believe what I had to do before I got the Tweet Adder software! ... it really is the Ferrari of the Twitter Software world (the 'twitterverse!). I now have multiple twitter accounts, each with several thousand followers, all running on autopilot and paying me .... well, a LOT. It takes me about an hour each day to review my stats, tweak my adverts and scheduling times and that's it. Not convinced? I don't care! I'm just saying how it is. Like I said at the start of this article, I will share my strategy with you, what you do with the information, well, that's up to you.

This is the software that I use: TWEET ADDER It is NOT the cheapest twitter marketing solution but I truly believe that it IS the best one available. I purchased the most expensive version (for unlimited twitter accounts etc) and it paid for itself in under a week. Now it has easily become my top income earner so if it was priced at $5,000 today I would still say it was worth the money! Tweet Adder costs only a fraction of that! ... and is available on a FREE TRIAL basis, so if you wish to investigate this twitter marketing software further, just click on the link below and give it a go .... you're welcome! Best wishes for your internet marketing success and thanks for reading! Bryan


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