ib tutor,tutorial-Turning offline marketing techniques into effective SEO |
Turning offline marketing techniques into effective SEO By: Larry Reid
People often turn to internet marketing with a view to offering a service rather than retail sales. This may be business-to-business or business-to-customer based, but in both cases the goal is the same – to use effective search engine optimization techniques to bring a valuable service to the attention of the browsing public. If you are used to writing offline articles, they will need to be “remanufactured” for SEO purposes. A search engine optimization company will help change titles and first paragraphs of articles you import. Many SEO services have a sub-editor as part of their team, to offer a more expansive service. An internet sub has extensive experience in the art of article manipulation. If your offline writing has played an important role in your business, be aware that some marketing techniques don’t carry over into SEO. This is because the search engine spiders aren’t human. For example, you may have an ironic stream of dry wit that makes readers chuckle, and puts potential clients at ease – but this will be lost on the PageRank bots, who don’t have a sense of humour. This isn’t a problem – so long as you realise that jokey headlines and clever intros may have to be sidelined into your personal blog. It’s worth taking a swift detour to paywalls here. A paywall is the window that pops up and stops people accessing the rest of an article’s content without payment. Generally, only the title and first paragraph are visible, so if you rely on selling site content to subscribers, you need to pack your keyword/s into the title and headline. Internet journalists who work offline doing the same articles bemoan this, because online sub-editors are being shelved by many SEO services, meaning the writers have to do search engine optimization duties themselves. Sometimes they end up writing two lots of copy – one for the newspaper, and one for the website. If you’re from the “old journalism” school of writing, penning text for search engine optimisation can be a totally alien concept. This is why it’s often a good idea to place yourself in the hands of an online SEO company, who can be a bit more ruthless in getting your articles up the page rankings. SEO services have a more technical approach than writers, who can be a bit unyielding when it comes to altering creatively worded paragraphs. The other problem is keeping to tight deadlines. If you have to research and write an article, then write it again so it fits the SEO “rules”, it’s a big chunk out of your day – a sub-editor can take over and tidy it up. If your site is multimedia biased, i.e. video or radio streaming, it’s still possible to achieve high search engine rankings. Videos - and occasionally radio links - regularly appear on Google, with no written words, but how? In fact, quite often it is textual. The site owners meticulously type up the transcripts and publish them on the video or audio page (the American radio station NPR does this). In addition, they post the links on social media sites. Social media optimization is an important tool for multimedia sites.