
ib tutor,tutorial-The Best Way to Get Your Website Noticed

The Best Way to Get Your Website Noticed By: Jennifer Warrner


It seems that now just about every company has their own website on the Internet and they feel content and satisfied that by simply having this web presence they are keeping up to date with their competitors and feel happy that they are doing enough to try and find new customers. However it is simply not enough to just have a website, and with so many other sites to compete against you need to find ways to make your website stand out from the crowd.

The best way to get your site noticed and to get as many potential customers to your site as possible is to look at improving the SEO of your website using an online marketing company. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and this is the one most simple, cheapest and effective way of improving the success of your website. In simple terms it is the process of improving your websites position in search engines like Google and Yahoo. Search engines are the number 1 place to find new customers and to get as many visitors to your site as possible, and so by trying to get as good a position as possible in the search engine then it is absolutely vital that you improve the search engine optimization of your website.

The great thing about search engines (and an online marketing company by extension) is that everybody uses them and every person that uses a search engine is looking for something in particular. That is, they are potentially a customer of yours according to what they search. It is similar to someone opening up a business telephone directory, looking under the heading of carpet cleaners and then picking a company in order to phone up and book an appointment. However with a phone directory companies are listed in alphabetical order, so companies that's name begins with early letters in the alphabet get a more prominent position then those that are named with letters at the end of the alphabet. With search engines this is not the case - websites are listed according to their own individual search engine ranking. This ranking is a unique score that every website on the Internet has, and the score varies according to the search engine that you use, as each search engine uses their own special algorithm. This is why you can go to Google and search for one thing and then go to Yahoo and search for that same thing yet get different search results.

To improve your websites search engine ranking there are many practises that you can participate in, if you know exactly how to. If not then you will need to approach an online marketing company to undertake this SEO work on your behalf. First of all, you will need to improve your websites on-site search engine optimization. This means you need to have your website coded especially with the search engines in mind. This is a process that is best done when you first have the website created, and is something that you should definitely bear in mind when either getting someone to design and code your website in the first place, or when coding the site yourself. You can go to your website once it is up and running and make changes to the on-page code for the benefit of the search engines, but this will mean extra work for you and so you should ideally look to build the website with the search engines in mind to save you hassle at a later date.


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