ib tutor,tutorial-Few Deadly SEO Mistakes You Need to Stay Away from

Few Deadly SEO Mistakes You Need to Stay Away from By: siska maya


Three Major SEO Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

Finding ways to entice traffic to your site regularly is a primary element for the success of any online business. A great way to attract this kind of targeted traffic is to optimize your site so that search engines will place you high in the search results. Unfortunately there are some Internet marketers who make a point of working on ways to fool the search engines instead of using proven optimization tactics. When this happens, Google and other major search engines tend to ban websites using less ethical tactics. Yet there are some webmasters who aren't aware that the tactics they're using are unethical. In both the scenarios, it's the lack of knowledge that pushes them to take bad steps. While it's great to learn new SEO tactics, you also need to know which ones you should avoid. Let's look at some of the more major SEO mistakes you should try to avoid.

Images can greatly enhance the look and feel of your site, but too many can actually damage it. You could actually lower your search engine rankings by having too many images and not enough room for search engine friendly content. Even though your images might have text on them, they're not the same as the plain text on your site. Any text you have showing within images can't be read by the search engines, which means they can't use those words for SEO purposes. If you do use graphics, be sure to put your chosen keywords within the ALT attribute for each image. This way search engines would be able to read this attribute in the image, which will ultimately help your ranking.

You must include ALT tags on every image on your website. ALT tags are used to tell what a picture may be before it's loaded.

However, the other aspect about ALT tags is that when you use them in your images, you will be able to positively increase your search engine rankings. People usually don't remember this about optimizing websites. Therefore, you'll want to create your ALT tags with your keywords in them so that you can describe what your site is about to both readers and the searches.

Another SEO error that many webmasters make is writing an irrelevant site title and a poor site description, which can both be detrimental to your search engine rankings. Search engines use the title and description to try and figure out which theme is predominant within your text content and then rank you accordingly. Search engines are more stringent with their ranking structures and choices now than they were a few years ago, so pay attention to these elements. In conclusion, successful SEO is a combination of multiple elements. It might be tempting to fall for the lure of 'blackhat' techniques, that promise fast results for search engine rankings, but these are never long term solutions. Work with the more reliable Whitehat methods that can still offer the same results, but will last for the long term and continue bringing in targeted traffic for years to come.


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