
ib tutor,tutorial-Do You Know These SEOs?

Do You Know These SEOs? By: Tyler Banfield


Jim Boykin

Jim Boykin is a self-proclaimed “internet marketing specialist specializing in search engine optimization.” Jim is the CEO of We Build Pages. We Build Pages is an internet marketing services company, which specializes in link building, analytics and content writing. Jim also has a personal blog that he uses to discuss various topics in internet marketing. One of the main focuses of his blog is link building. Many of his posts deal with subjects like how to acquire links, how to evaluate links and why Page Rank isn’t nearly as important as many SEOs think that it is.

Aaron Wall

Aaron Wall is the author of SEO Book. SEO Book is arguably the best introductory e-book on the subject of search engine optimization. It is a very well-written, thorough book, and covers virtually every topic of search engine optimization (with the exception of techniques that are normally considered to be black hat). In addition to updating SEO Book whenever necessary, Aaron also runs the Threadwatch community. Threadwatch gathers news related to marketing and technology from all over the internet, and posts it in an easy to read/discuss format. According to the official SEO Book web site, Aaron also does SEO consulting on a very limited basis.

Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan is the creator of Search Engine Watch. He created Search Engine Watch in 1997, but decided to leave on November 30th, 2006. He currently writes about search engines for the web site Search Engine Land. In addition to writing on search engines, Danny does a daily pod cast called The Daily SearchCast. Although these two obligations keep him extremely busy, he does find time to run his company, Calafia Consulting. Although it is a small company, Calafia Consulting provides a variety of excellent search engines services, including web site design and development.


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