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SEO Blogging Software - How Do I Begin Blogging? By: Aaron R Daniel
That is why the question of "How do I start blogging?" ought to go along with another question "How can I choose the most effective SEO blogging software for my blog?" The solution is terribly straightforward - you should opt for the blogging platform which already has quality SEO blogging software integrated. So, what ought to SEO blogging software have? 1. Meta data. The correct selection of keywords can bring you huge traffic. That's why every post should have proper keywords in all legal spots on the blog. In meta title, meta description and meta keywords. Yes, meta information is not a high priority for Google to any extent further, but these meta keywords will soon (after being pinged by the ping services) can turn into tags - and tag power is very great. Ping services produce separate pages for every of the tags, these pages quite quickly are indexed by search engines and receive nice Google PR with time, and your post can be printed on this page for example of posts for this tag. 2. SEO attractive URLs. SEO horny URLs means that that you have the mandatory keywords within the URL of your posts. Quality blog solutions (that already have the guts of SEO blogging software integrated inside) will give you a change to automatically add the title of your post into the URL of this post. As you are using the keywords in the title, they will get to the URL as well. And though keywords in URLs don't seem to be the priority for Google's algo, wasting such a likelihood is a huge mistake. 3. Do Follow vs No Follow. If your blog is successful - people will start posting comments to it, and a few comments can have URLs in the comments. Quality SEO blogging software can have an choice to determine whether you're going to leak your linking power to every comment (and put Do Follow tag) or to not share the SEO price of outgoing links within the posts and have No Follow in all URLs in the comments. 4. Google sitemaps. No would like to elucidate the price of Google sitemap. And when your solution is doing that automatically - great. There are blog platforms available that have this feature of a SEO blogging software integrated. Summary. The list will be bigger in details, however at least the mentioned functions must be in your blog "by default". They can save you abundant time and nerves on the move to your blogging success and can facilitate to target the most necessary - quality content for your blog.