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Blogs Can Give a Big SEO Boost to a Site By: Anna Karis
If you're looking for a way to give your website an SEO boost to help more customers to find your site and hopefully click adverts or pay for services and products, then a blog might be one very cost effective and easy way to do this. Blogs add a lot to a website from both an SEO point of view, and a content perspective and can have any number of positive effects on your website and your business. First of all we should look at what a blog is precisely; essentially a blog is a series of regular 'entries'. These are small articles that revolve normally around a central topic and that can vary in length and do not necessarily have to comply by the usual conventions of pros tending to be more 'chatty' or punchy than regular text. The 'blog boom' that we saw a few years ago mostly revolved around individuals setting up their own blogs which were essentially public diary entries giving a snippet into those people's lives and daily happenings. Other blogs exist on a single subject such as 'martial arts' for example, and then post news and interesting facts as the author (or authors) discover them. Other users can then comment on the blog or share the blog with others on their 'blog roll' (there are a lot of terms relevant to the use of blogs). For a business a blog can be either of those things. For example a blog on a company website can be in the same vein as the 'diary' style entries and can this way keep followers up to date on the company news and involve them in the inner workings of the business etc. Alternatively you can go the other route and have your blog simply talk on the subject relevant to the company. If for example you run a gardening business, then you might post on gardening tips and on industry news - for example the release of a new fertiliser. This then has many benefits for the company. Most important of these however are the SEO (or 'Search Engine Optimisation') benefits. Here you are providing your site with content that can be on any subject and that automatically has tags embedded. This means you can easily integrate keywords and key phrases for people to find through Google. Furthermore however, by its very nature a blog involves regular updates and constant content which Google responds to in a very positive way. It even allows users to generate their own content - all searchable by Google. All this will help make your site and your blog quickly move up to the top of the search engines; and when someone types in 'weeding tips' they will be made aware of your company. That's not all a blog does though. Additionally it gives you visitors an incentive to come back to the site, and at the same time it helps them to feel more comfortable and personal with your business. It gives you a 'voice' and that instantly sets you apart from others. It gives you a forum through which to promote new offers and products and it helps you show the side of your company and the industry that benefits you. This makes a blog an invaluable SEO tool, and a marketing tool in every other sense too.