ib tutor,tutorial-Scrolling To The Bottom For Clarity

Scrolling To The Bottom For Clarity By: Terry Detty


It can many times be so easy for many webmaster and bloggers to remember that the visitor coming to their site is always looking for some sort of information that will make their life easier and their brains more intellectual.

When most everyone finds their way to a website, their top goal is to quickly find the information that will feed and satisfy the queries that they have when they arrive. The whole reason that visitors found their way to your website is because an easy path was apparently laid out before them and they followed it with great ease.

So what you want to do is keep the visitor on easy street the whole time that they are visiting your website. How do you accomplish this? Well there are many different strategies that one can put into play as far as optimizing your website goes. So let’s just pick one for right now and talk about that.

The one that we can talk about in this article for a while is about having a sitemap on your website. This is something that for some would probably make immediate sense, but you might be surprised to know that there are so many people out there who have not taken this simple step into helping there website become more easy for others to find what they are looking for. This will also keep things very simple in a sometimes very frustrating world.

You may have seen these sitemaps before and never really knew what it was and so you just never clicked on it before. A site map is simple a page full of titles or descriptions of all the websites different places that you can go to based on what it is you’re looking for. It is a list going from the top of the page down to the bottom and looks very easy and simple to use.

You might be surprised how many people aren’t really interested in letting the visitors know about it. I believe that this is because they usually prefer that the visitor spend a little more time looking at some advertisements or continuously click on many, many different keywords.

The website administrator is encouraged not to have any more than 100 links on the sitemap page. The reason for this encouragement is so that otherwise the search engines that are constantly crawling the websites may think that you are a pageful of spam.

So as with everything in life, we try and learn what is the best way to set our sites up according to the rules that the search engines respond to the best. Here in this article I can tell you that having a sitemap is such a great tool for everyone to supply and enjoy.

It makes the navigation easier for web surfers to find what it is they are looking for. It’s also important to remind you guys that if a visitor came over to your website and found what they needed right away, they will remember your website in their memory a whole lot more than any other site they may have come across.

Think about it, I would be willing to bet that all of the websites that you have bookmarked and saved in your memory are websites that have helped your life out in a very simple way. Why do you think that google and apple have been so successful? It’s because their business model is to keep things simple.

You may also have noticed that many websites have a navigation map on either side of their website. This is another great way to help out the search engines with the amount of keywords that you have and the hyper links that are attached to them. It’s also a great way for the client to always have a “menu” to choose from no matter what page they are on.

A lot of times it’s interesting to scroll all the way down to the bottom of a website after arriving and that’s usually where you will find the more serious links like the sitemap and disclaimer links. It’s also where the website displays who the website is designed by and who the credits go to and also where you can contact them. So the next time that you are going from one website to another, pay attention to what sort of links and useful information has been put at the bottom. Take care and God bless!


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