
ib tutor,tutorial-Quality Page Structure for Better SEO Positioning

Quality Page Structure for Better SEO Positioning By: Peter Brittain


Similar to any physical document, a web page is most popular when the display, layout and readability are best suited for the viewer. Every web page has its own subject of interest that is emphasized upon. The ease with which it is displayed also contributes to its popularity and revisit by users.

Positioning of the page is vital for improving user-friendliness. Page depth is the number of clicks required to reach the intended page beyond the Home page. The most important pages with vital information have to be placed within minimum distance from the home page. This makes it easier for search engines to pick up keywords from it. The longer it takes for the engines to scour the web site, the lower are its rankings.

Visualizing the pages in the form of a tree graph provides the best reasons why a certain page is belatedly picked up despite having great content. When there are a great many pages that are poorly picked during searches, reducing the number of unwanted pages is necessary. Reorganizing the pages to better place the important ones helps to vastly improve SEO performance.

Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one of the best ways to design web pages. The search engines look at content in a different way compared to the human viewer. The human eyes are easily trained to pick out the most interesting content from the page and concentrate on it. However, search engines go about their business by looking at the code that makes up the content in the page. Hence, using CSS instead of HTML helps the engines to narrow down to the real content within the least possible time.

CSS ensures that pages with similar structure appear in the same way. This enables easy navigation and makes them accessible to search engine robots. Abstracting design of the web page is best done through CSS and this reduces a vast amount of unwanted code. Therefore the page content is moved nearer to the beginning of the document. This reduces the code to markup ratio and also enables easier page maintenance. By converting a web page from a table-based format to a CSS one brings about a reduction of about 45 percent in the volume of codes used. While using the table structure, web designers invariably resort to a “table within table” format to fit in the various data. This causes a huge increase in the volume of data to be processed by the engines before reaching the vital content.

The engines while scrawling across an HTML page may look for style, geometric lay out, point of emphasis, color, and visual attractions on the page to rate the position to be offered. However, this involves a cumbersome process where the web page is displayed as seen by the viewer using the browser. This requires enormous data to be reviewed and analyzed. However, an alternative method is very likely to be in place. This will look at the code structure and not depend on the browser display results. This has a lot of advantages, since a search engine will not be interested in the header or footer details that are standard for all web pages.

The simplest methods for structuring pages for better SEO results is to use simple layouts and place the keywords at places where they can be easily picked up by the engines. Also large fonts, hypertext links and tags should contain keywords. Interference by use of animation or graphics should be avoided. The codes used must not out value the key words placed near the heading or start of the paragraph. While web sites are designed to improve the accessibility of search engines, web pages are the key to better search rankings.


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