ib tutor,tutorial-MS 3.0 Plus Magnetic Sponsoring Community Equals SEO Success

MS 3.0 Plus Magnetic Sponsoring Community Equals SEO Success By:


I think the new MS 3.0 project is a big improvement over the old system, and with that being said... I guess I'll have to be bold to stand out from the crowd, so here we go...


What if the MS community as a whole worked together like a well oiled racing machine to dominate targeted keywords related to our industry in the major Search Engines organic search result pages almost at will over "X" amount of time?

"X" would be estimated depending on the "Keyword Effectiveness Index" of the keyword, or keywords targeted plus Google "PR" of the competition in the top ten SERP's to determine an estimated time frame to rank number one.

With that being said...

The MS 3.0 community members would need some assistance from the marketing experts who put the new MS 3.0 together (i.e. Mike and company) in order to develop the required modules for the site to help build traffic to all member's MS 3.0 landing pages who actively participate in the SEO process as a group per the guidelines yet to be specked out.

Sometimes I get a little wordy, however I hope I'm somewhat clear on the direction I"m taking this idea!? Anyway...

I have some quick specs to run across Mike, and company if interested to see if they are open to the idea I have, and see how feasible it is to put together in reality, i.e. engineer it back to reality to make it all work.

Again, with all that being said, I think if the idea is workable, then we would be a category monster, and the competition will be hard pressed to catch up once we blow by them in the major SERP.

Even with just one very targeted "keyword phrase" that I've researched (I will not list it here), the monthly search volume for it in the major three Search Engines is close to one million.

Just think if we only dominated ten keyword phrases like this over time
what the numbers would be.

P.S. When coming up with this idea, I couldn't help but think...

"Wouldn't it be nice if we as community members had all the marketing gurus with the big war chests of cash working with us to drive traffic to our landing pages through the organic search results, instead of each member
fending for him, or her self to do so?"

Plus why not put "Network Marketing" to work for the good of all MS 3.0 members involved to dominate the competition almost at will in organic search marketing?

Because after all... the sheer "Man/Women power" in itself focused like a lazor beam on the SEO project will ultimately win top rankings as an end result.

Of course I could be wrong, but I always play the percentages, and I think in this case, the percentages are on our side, because after all; when it comes to the major Search Engines, they like to see people making websites popular which improves their rankings over time. Not from spammers, and black hat SEO strategies used by unscrupulous online marketers.


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