ib tutor,tutorial-Suggested article for internet marketing newbie to know about the value of web site seo in order to make money working online

Suggested article for internet marketing newbie to know about the value of web site seo in order to make money working online By: Metta Articles


Each day, there are tons of people inflowing the internet world, and looking for ways to make money working online. While amongst these internet marketing newbie, some learn that one have to start with a website to draw traffic, i.e. likely customers to visit their site and make some purchase or follow some kind of affiliate link which lead to a sales so that they accomplish the objective of make money working online.

However, the truth is starting up a website isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. One either has to learn how to absolutely design one from scratch or pay someone to do it. Then the next thing is to find a good host and the most crucial thing is to fill the website with good content.

The internet marketing activity doesn?t stop there! Another key phrase that one always hears is "SEO", or Search Engine Optimization. It is a process to optimize the website so that search engines find them fast and easily. In other word: Web Site SEO. The faster a search engine finds the website, the more traffic it will receive, and without traffic a website can never survive.

By definition, web site seo involves the process of improving ranking in search engine results. When someone types something into a search engine, that phrase is known as a keyword. With millions of websites to search, the search engine then uses that keyword as a guide to check different websites and return results. So, naturally, the only way for it to find your website is for the website to have a keyword.

What should your keyword be? Think of what your site is about and sum it up in a few words and that should be your keyword phrase. If it's all about make money working online, then that's the website?s keyword. Now, where one actually place the keyword is the truthful key to web site seo.
First, make sure that your keyword is included in the title of the website. Not only will the search engine find it faster, people are much more likely to visit the website if it has what they want in the actual title. In addition, it is strongly suggested to buy a domain name that includes the keyword as well for the same reasons - search engines love it and so do people using them!

Next, make sure your keyword is included in the actual content of the website. Search engines not only check the titles and URLs of websites but they search the actual site, and when they return the results of their search, they often pull an extract that contains the keyword in it. So if one?s make money working online website includes a sentence that goes, "Make Money Working Online for Internet Marketing Newbie..." then not only will the search engine pull up the title of the site and its URL, it will include that sentence as well because it has that keyword in it!

Well these are just some of the familiar web site seo techniques, and one need to study in deeper extend and keep learning and practice other veteran?s web site site seo skills to improve the competiveness with thousands of other websites who have that same keyword.

Today in the internet marketing worlds, there are many web site seo experts from both the Western world as well as the talented ones from the Eastern world. As a internet marking newbie, one should explore both sides to work out the own web site seo skills, and eventually be successful to make money working online.


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