
ib tutor,tutorial-Facts about using multilingual SEO for your website

Facts about using multilingual SEO for your website By: Maria Johnsen


When designing a website for SEO, designers should keep in mind their target audience. Since the internet is a global forum, more than one language is used for communication through this medium. With thousands of languages spoken by people around the world, all of the different languages cannot be accommodated. By covering the most commonly used languages, the target audience of your site will be expanded.

The number and choice of languages is the decision of the website owner. Google offers search engines in 45 different languages at the present time. Yahoo search engine provides the same service but with only 41 different languages. These two companies are multinational with revenues in the billions of dollars, it does not make good economical sense to offer so many options on your website unless you are extremely large and your target audience speaks that many different languages.

By making your site multilingual, the target audience will be increased. This also allows more people to visit your site and be more comfortable while they are there. The links for the different language options should be clearly seen on the home page to allow easy access and less chance of a visitor becoming frustrated. Aggravated visitors do not stay long on sites that are not user friendly.

If you have decided to expand the language option on your website, it can be done. The work that was done for the English language would have to be all done again in the new language. With every language the workload would be the same. If the decision was to add 2 different languages, then that would require twice as much work as it was to do the original SEO of your site.

There are a few things that your SEO designer should be prepared for. One of them is that not every keyword can be directly translated into another language. In case this event taken place, new keywords should be chosen.
The translation of the content to the new language is very important. Depending on the new language chosen, the syntax or grammar may not even be compatible for direct translation. This is when the employment of a good translator will be invaluable. There is no reason to do the translation if it is not going to be correct.

The nice thing about SEO crawlers or bots is they have no prejudice about anything including languages. The rules of SEO are all the same immaterial of the language. The strategies and plugins that were used for English can be used for the new language, just as long as it is compatible.

English is the dominant language of the internet but it is not the only language that is used. The sites that most commonly offer different languages are based in Europe where most people are multilingual. By originally designing the SEO of your site to multiple languages or having it converted later is the choice of the site owner. For those that have multilingual SEO sites, the leading advantage is that the products and services that are offered on the site are better understood by more visitors.


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